Friday, July 25, 2008

Day 4...

So today wasn't as good...
  • Fiber one bar after work
  • 1/4 of PB&J
  • 3 things of water so far
  • 1 otter pop
  • 1 cup of chili with Cheese
  • big glass of milk
  • like 6 snickerdoodle cookies (a co-workers daughter made them and brought them in!)
  • and then i will only have my fiber one bar for the rest of the night
  • Oh went to Its a Grind got the usually (Aussi was there didn't have to even order, just pay)
  • i had one more cup of coffee with sugar and creamer

Might go do the stairs like 2 now... well at least one time right now then later my knee has been acting up on me recently not sure why

1 comment:

JulsSW said...

ugh, i want its a grind. And snickerdoodle cookies are a type of cookie that you can't just have one. even belinda.. who is like the most unindulgent person I know, agrees. So, no worries with that. You still don't eat a lot of food, it amazes me. What is a fibre one bar? Good job on drinking water. I need to get back into drinking at least 2 of my bottles of water (i used to drink 2-4 and then somehow stopped... maybe cuz its cold so i'm drinking hot drinks all the time?)