Friday, July 25, 2008

Day 5

So today was alright i slept

  • Banana
  • Bean Burrito and nachos from Taco bell
  • 2 Jack in the box tacos and some curly seasoned fries
  • some water
  • half of a sobe

no working out just being lazy... but tomorrow is the zoo!

1 comment:

JulsSW said...

I love how your food diary thing is I MAY snack on this.. or MAY eat that... dumb butt... only write it in if you EAT it... consume it. Whatever. I write mine in draft and then post it at the end of the day. (since you commented on it before the end of the day when I posted it and updated it after, haha!)

Good job with not eating loads... I'm assuming the fast food was cuz of the road trip! Ah, I miss road trips!